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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Invest In Business And Living In Dubai

As the number one tourist and investment destination in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai is both a nice place to start a business and to raise your family. With the constant flow of people all around the world to invest in business ventures in the Dubai or to settle permanently, residential areas and commercial spaces are constant needs in Dubai.It's a good thing that the Dubai real estate market provide foreign buyers with many freehold areas that they will need. The Dubai real estate currently has lots of available residential areas and spaces,...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ritual Pindah Rumah bagi Muslim

Adakah Ritual pindah Rumah dalam ajaran Islam? Banyak orang melakukan berbagai macam ritual ketika akan pindah rumah atau menempati rumah yang baru dibeli. Bagaimana tata cara pindah rumah dalam Islam ? Sehingga rumah yang ditempati menjadi rumah yang berkah dan menjadikan keluarga sebagai keluarga yang sakinah, mawadah dan warohmah. Tidak ada tata ritual khusus dalam masalah pindah rumah. Tidak ada shalat atau bentuk-bentuk upacara khusus yang kita dapati dari Rasulullah SAW tentang hal itu. Sehingga kita tidak boleh secara khusus mengarang...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Nine Reasons - Why Invest in Dubai Real Estates

Before you decide to invest your money in overseas property investment, try to consider Dubai. Why? Below are nine reasons to invest in Dubai real estate 1.Real estate market is the top most priority of Dubai governmentDubai real estate is instrumental in bringing them huge profits and foreign investment. The UAE government also promote the real estate market regularly by conducting events and seminars for the progress and growth of property in Dubai.2. Dubai Free Hold Real Estate PropertiesThe Crown Prince of Dubai have made modifications to the...