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Thursday, July 9, 2009

Invest In Business And Living In Dubai

As the number one tourist and investment destination in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai is both a nice place to start a business and to raise your family. With the constant flow of people all around the world to invest in business ventures in the Dubai or to settle permanently, residential areas and commercial spaces are constant needs in Dubai.

It's a good thing that the Dubai real estate market provide foreign buyers with many freehold areas that they will need. The Dubai real estate currently has lots of available residential areas and spaces, so you will soon find a suitable real estate property and may be able to close the deal with ease. Buying a house for your family and buying commercial space for your business are quite different and both need a little knowledge form the prospective buyer. Even though the Dubai real estate brokers can provide you with expert services, you are still the one would spend some money, so you better make sure that you are on top of things.

With its reputation as a tourist spot, probably emphasized by its beautiful beaches and resorts, magnificent architecture, and not to mention perennial tropical climate, many expatriates opt to settle permanently in Dubai. Dubai has a lot residential real estate properties to offer, so you do not have to worry about getting the house he wants. Besides, the competition between the sellers resulted to relatively cheaper properties, much to the delight of prospective buyers.

For commercial spaces, you need to focus of course on the location of the property and its relevance to your business. Remember that in business, everything would matter, and although the Dubai real estate market can offer you great commercial spaces anywhere, you will have to weigh everything in terms of your business first. Also, if you are in Dubai for the sole purpose of business only, then you might want to just rent a commercial space for lease. In that way you can also relocate once the terms of the lease terminates and you want to move to another area in the city.

You will find the house or the commercial space that you want and you may now commence with the settling of the terms of agreement. Your Dubai real estate broker can greatly help you with that matter. Dubai is both a good residential and commercial area. It is up to you to decide whether you want to live or invest in business in the city-or better yet-both.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ritual Pindah Rumah bagi Muslim

Adakah Ritual pindah Rumah dalam ajaran Islam?

Banyak orang melakukan berbagai macam ritual ketika akan pindah rumah atau menempati rumah yang baru dibeli. Bagaimana tata cara pindah rumah dalam Islam ? Sehingga rumah yang ditempati menjadi rumah yang berkah dan menjadikan keluarga sebagai keluarga yang sakinah, mawadah dan warohmah.
Tidak ada tata ritual khusus dalam masalah pindah rumah. Tidak ada shalat atau bentuk-bentuk upacara khusus yang kita dapati dari Rasulullah SAW tentang hal itu.

Sehingga kita tidak boleh secara khusus mengarang sendiri ritual-ritual itu. Sebab kalau tidak benar, bisa menjadi bi'dah yang dilarang di dalam agama.
Tapi ada baiknya ketika pindah rumah, diperhatikan hal-hal yang bersifat aqidah dan sosial berikut ini.
1. Hendaknya rumah yang baru akan anda tempati itu terbebas dari segala benda yang diharamkan untuk dipajang. Seperti patung dan gambar-gambar bernyawa. Sebab hal itu akan membuat malaikat rahmah tidak mau masuk.
2. Hendaknya ketika memilih rumah, anda meninggalkan segala bentuk kepercayaan syirik yang akan menjerumuskan anda ke dalam neraka. Misalnya, kepercayaan kepada feng-shui bahwa rumah yang letaknya tusuk sate itu tidak menguntungkan atau membawa sial. Dan beragam pandangan aneh lainnya yang dibuat-buat dan bertentangan dengan pandangan syariah.
3. Hendaklah rumah itu dibeli dengan cara-cara yang dibenarkan syariah. Hindari penggunaan fasilitas pinjaman berbunga dari lembaga keuangan konvensional. Sebab bila transaksi rumah dibeli dengan tata cara yang melanggar syariah, tentunya hukum kepemilikannya juga bertentangan dengan syariah juga. Apakah anda rela tinggal di sebuah atap yang dibeli dengan cara ribawi?
4. Sinari terus rumah anda dengan bacaan Al-Quran yang dibaca oleh penghuninya sendiri. Bukan hanya membunyikan kaset rekamannya saja. Juga siapkan ruangan khusus untuk shalat berjamaah dan juga tempat untuk mengaji dan belajar agama. Jangan sampai anda punya gudang, ruang parkir, halaman, bahkan kolam renang, tapi tidak punya tempat shalat dan mengaji. Ini tentu ironis sekali.
5. Bukalah lebar-lebar rumah anda buat segala bentuk kebaikan, baik untuk anggota keluarga atau pun tetangga. Dan tutuplah rapat-rapat dari segala aktifitas maksiat, laghwi dan kesia-siaan.
6. Buatlah rumah yang bersih, sehat, cukup sinar matahari dan sirkulasi udara. Rumah yang kotor, jorok dan gelap, apalagi banyak aktifitas maksiatnya, adalah tempat favorit buat makhluk halus yang memang kotor dan jorok.
7. Rumah itu sejatinya adalah tempat untuk menutup aurat penghuninya. Maka perlu dibuatkan kamar-kamar dan ruangan-ruangan yang bisa menutupi aurat anggota keluarganya.
8. Pisahkan kamar anak laki dari kamar anak perempuan sejak mereka masih kecil. Jangan satukan anak laki dan anak perempuan dalam satu kamar, meski mereka saudara sekandung dan hubungannya sangat dekat.

Source :

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Nine Reasons - Why Invest in Dubai Real Estates

Before you decide to invest your money in overseas property investment, try to consider Dubai. Why? Below are nine reasons to invest in Dubai real estate

1.Real estate market is the top most priority of Dubai government
Dubai real estate is instrumental in bringing them huge profits and foreign investment. The UAE government also promote the real estate market regularly by conducting events and seminars for the progress and growth of property in Dubai.

2. Dubai Free Hold Real Estate Properties
The Crown Prince of Dubai have made modifications to the constitution of Dubai allowed for the foreign freehold ownership of real estate in Dubai. Here are some Dubai freehold real estate projects Business Bay, Burj Dubai, Dubai Marina, Dubai Pearl and International City.

3.No tax being applied on income or property transactions in Dubai
Good news for overseas real estate investor.

4. There are plenty of jobs in Dubai as well
Therefore, professionals also want to shift their base to Dubai. All people all over the world will move to Dubai and will make Dubai inhabitant increase amazingly.

5. Dubai developments
There are 100s of large scale commercial projects are under construction now. Some crazy projects are in progress and many others were approved and being proposed. Here some of the Dubai crazy projects :Palm Islands Dubailand, The World, The Universe, Nakheel tower, etc.

6. Dubai is the most desired destination of tourist
Dubai is now officially the land of extreme building projects and, as a result of some of the unique and exciting attractions springing up in the area, tourism is growing fast. Luxurious and opulent hotels and some glorious beaches to match are making luxury holidays in Dubai extremely popular.

7. People who work in Dubai will want to live there
The demand of real estate in Dubai is not coming just from investor but also from end user who wants to have Dubai as their home.

8. Dubai's real estate architectural are greatly desired by people all over the world
The world's most innovative architectures were presented at Cityscape Expo, and the Dubai real estate market stated its intention to drive the emirate into the most wonderful places in the world.

9. Real estate demand will bullish in the next year
With the demand increase, Dubai property prices will be increasing appreciably. It would be the time you gain lucrative yield from Dubai real estates.

All the reasons sound make sense, don’t it? So what are you waiting for ?